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1. Show your tutor the screenshots of the completed rooms and the models from EXP2 in the UT3 environment.

2. Confirm your selection of specialization (Particles, Matinee or Kismet).

3. Confirm your teams of 3.

4. Follow along with the relevant video tutorials you can find here: \\Emustore\resources\samples\benv\BENV2423 - Lowe\UT3_Tutorials and post a screenshot of your progress by the end of the class.

Note: use the DM-BENV2423_Template.ut3 file as a base map for your experimentation.


Complete by the beginning of next weeks tutorial.

3 x Images captures of your experimentation within Unreal Ed.

2. A draft of the first 30 second video clip. "The Experimental Video Clip".

Note: (from the assessment criteria) "The Experimental Video Clip" Does this 30 second clip document the distinctive and significant experimentation that the student engaged with during the development of their area of expertise?