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1. Open SolidWorks and complete 3 online solidworks tutorials, "Lesson 1 - Parts", "Lofts", and "Revolves and Sweeps". (Help > Online Tutorial).

2. Upload a screen capture from each of the tutorials to your blog (once completed you can use the "Rollback Bar" to capture a significant moment in the tutorial).

3. On your blog under each screen capture write a 50 word max caption to describe something of interest in terms of either the model, the SolidWorks interface or a comparison to another software.



Complete by the beginning of next weeks tutorial.

Using measurements gathered from the SketchUp model provided (\\Emustore\resources\samples\benv\BENV2423 - Lowe\Templates\363_With_Envelope.skp) create the envelope of 363 George Street as a solid part in SolidWorks. Use meters as your units to build the model. (Construct approximately the top 80m, and try to use the minimum amount of features to achieve the result).

2. Upload an image of your model of 363 George Street to blogger.

3. Write a short caption to describe the approach you'll take to model the "Cactus Model" as a series of voids in SolidWorks.